-31ºC Solo Camping in Survival Shelter from Poncho Tent During Storm – Long Fire – ASMR

-31ºC Solo Camping in Survival Shelter from Poncho Tent During Storm
Long Fire
Delicious food on the fire

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About This Video:
Winter camping one night in severe frost and storm. I make a shelter from a tent poncho, make a long fire, and cook delicious food on the fire.

All the wood I collect is dead trees.
To avoid falling into a fire at night, I reinforce the sleeping place.
The lower branches of the spruce die off and slow down the growth of the tree. By cutting these branches I help the tree grow big and healthy.

The spruce branches prevent the skins from getting wet from the snow.
During the day it started getting warmer and windier.
Most of the snow was blown off the trees. A large piece of snow fell on the awning and one of its hinges burst. I had to secure the awning again.

While I was preparing logs for the node, a strong storm came, the weather deteriorated, it became very cold, the wind rose, and the temperature began to drop quickly.

As night approached, there was a lull – the trees were crackling from the cold.
The night was without wind, the smoke from the fire rose vertically.
The fire burned all night, it was warm.

In the morning it started to warm up again.
Breakfast was bacon and bread, which I made with flour and water.

Thank you for watching.


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