The MOST DIFFICULT CAMP in MY LIFE | Bushcraft Survival Winter Camping, Wilderness Cooking, ASMR

Wargeh bushcraft camping

This camp was the most difficult camp of my life. I always look at the weather forecast before my camps. The weather forecast did not show any rain at night. It only showed snow and frost. I made my preparations accordingly and set up my camp accordingly. However, it started to rain heavily at night. It was very cold and since the wood was wet, I had difficulty feeding the fire and could not sleep until the morning. I have been through difficult winter camps before, but this was the most difficult. Although this adventure was a difficult experience for me, I learned new lessons.

My videos cover bushcraft, winter wild camping, nature documentary, craft, fishing, shelter, woodworking, campfire cooking, off grid, log cabin, primitive technology, nature sounds, adventure, wilderness survival and outdoor skills, diy, asmr, bushcraft gear like axes, knives, saws, backpacks, clothing systems, shelters and cooking gear.
No crazy music or effects – only mother nature and her sounds.

Winter Snowstorm Camping With My Dog | Bushcraft Survival, Stove Cooking, Nature Movie, Asmr

Building Warm and Comfortable Dugout for the Winter – Bushcraft Survival Shelter, Cooking, DIY, Asmr

Building Warm Bushcraft Survival Shelter in Wildlife, Fireplace, Campfire Cooking, ASMR, DIY

3 Days Solo Bushcraft Shelter Camp With Fireplace Inside. Forest Cooking, Rain Camping, Diy, Asmr

Bushcraft Camp with my Dog – Cliff Shelter, Cave Stone bunker, Fishing, Primitive Survival, Asmr

Build Bushcraft Shelter, 3 Days Solo Camp, Wild Camping, Primitive Technology, Survival Skills

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#bushcraft #wintercamping #camping


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