Build a Bushcraft Garden by the Stream and Harvest ginger, taro, papaya and cook | Ana Bushcraft

Ana and Jack’s Off-Grid Life: Building a Bushcraft Garden by the Stream and Harvesting Ginger, Taro, Papaya and Cooking.

Ana harvests ginger, taro and papaya in the old garden then brings them back to plant in the new garden near the farm for easy care. Jack helps with the heavy work on the farm, Ana’s sows new seeds, plants rows of vegetable seedlings and Jack follows along to water them, life flows gently with the sound of the stream and the chirping of birds and after a while the garden will be lush, the seeds will sprout and produce fragrant flowers and sweet fruits. Hope you will join Ana in waiting for good things in the future. Thank you for your companionship. See you again when the vegetable garden is lush.

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Building a Off-Grid Bridge . . .

Ana’s completed the 3-in-1 chicken coop idea . . .

30 days to build a new house . . .



  1. OLFA WORKS オルファワークス – ソロキャンプやブッシュクラフト、野営に使えるブッシュクラフトナイフ・フィールドナイフ・フィールドノコギリの紹介

  2. Ana Bushcraft – Harvest FISH, Gourd, Bitter Gourd – Free electric energy from water is restored

  3. リフレクター作っただけで雰囲気バリかっこよ!ブッシュクラフト初挑戦の夜。

  4. 【山開拓】何年も放置された山で3日間過ごす…竹と縄で拠点作り#2 ブッシュクラフト Bushcraft

  5. [ブッシュクラフト]〜川を渡って新しい地へ〜

  6. 【ブッシュクラフトキャンプ】かほなん師匠から試練!竹切りチャレンジで森アナ絶叫!

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