Ana harvested large soursops for the first time to sell at the district market | Ana Bushcraft

#anabushcraft #Harvesting #gardening
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3 year living alone in forest – Ana harvested large soursops for the first time to sell at the district market | Ana Bushcraft.

Dear friends! How was your week? Do you still remember Ana’s?
In this video, Ana’s will take you to harvest the custard apple garden and then choose the big custard apples to bring to the market to sell for extra income. While Ana’s goes to harvest fruit to sell at the market, Jack will stay home to help Ana’s complete the water tank and build auxiliary structures on the farm. Friends, is this fruit available where you live? Have you tasted the taste of this custard apple? If you have the opportunity to come to Vietnam, you should try it. Vietnam is a paradise of fruits, it may take you a while to taste all the fruits here. The prices are very reasonable, Ana’s thinks it will be much cheaper than in your country.
Custard apples cost $3/kg
Guava costs $1/kg
Dragon fruit costs $1.2/kg
Bananas cost $0.8/kg
and many other fruits too. . . .!
Do you want Ana’s to harvest more?

If you like Ana’s to harvest, please leave your comments in the comment section. Thank you very much. Goodbye and see you in the next video on Ana’s Bushcraft channel.
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