3 Days Camping and Bushcraft – Catch and Cook

Bushcraft and camping for 3 days. Brought the big bag this time. Even had a tarp with me that I didn’t use. Planned to go to an island also but cut the trip short one day due to the fire ban that was issued the last day. Fish are hungry again and had some amazing catch and cook meals this time. Can’t remember when I did the classic Polish Lavvu setup the last time. However it is so good. Warm and protected in winter. Hardly move in hurricane winds. Cool and dark in summer. If I had to pick one type of shelter for everything…

Gear: M45 mess kit, Norröna Recon synkroflex 125L, Trangia kettle, Trangia triangle, Jack Wolfskin floorsaver, Polish lavvu size 3, Carinthia Tropen, Thermarest neoair sleeping pad large, Hultafors Åby axe, Mora Garberg stainless knife, Biltema carving knife. Got more gear but don’t know name.

Thanks for Watching!


  1. 【ブッシュクラフトキャンプ】渓流トレッキング 2泊3日 パックウェイト9.9kg装備一覧【サヴォッタバックパック&ウエストバック】

  2. Solo-Bushcraft in the Humid Forest / 蒸し暑い夏のソロブッシュクラフト

  3. ブッシュクラフト 野営!戦闘飯盒2型、ウッドストーブ、ロープワーク【キャンプ女子】

  4. 【キャンプチェア】阿諏訪流ブッシュクラフトキャンプ第4弾2/5話【おぎやはぎ】【高橋みなみ】

  5. ヤノラジ#10キャンプや野営、ブッシュクラフトの服装選びのコツを解説!

  6. 【後編】ハンターカブct125で行くソロキャンプ野営、女一人で竹で秘密基地作り(ブッシュクラフトシェルター)、焚火料理は飯盒とエバニューアルストで野菜炒め

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